Visitors to this page may ask questions about the natural environment, wildlife, and we will post them here along with the answers.


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1. "I've got some nuts from an American Chestnut tree.  What's the best way to plant them to get young trees started?".

2.  "Hey, what the heck is happening with the gulls on the Niagara River?"

3.  "Is there a New York State law prohibiting kids from shooting songbirds with BB guns?  This is happening along the Niagara escarpment where I ride my horse."

4.  "Every spring I have had ducks (a male and a female) who visit my yard and get fed.  They usually come a few times a day until summer when I assume they have ducklings to raise.  Last week on a warmer day they appeared - and they have been coming back every day since - even in the snow.  In fact, during the storm they came right up to my door to get food.  Today FIVE ducks appeard.  My question - don't they usually go south?  Do ducks mate for life?   Where have these ducks been since August?

5. "What is the proper diameter for the entry hole to a wren house?

6. "You helped me this past winter when I asked about what to feed the ducks that appeared at my house.  Now that fall is coming I have some questions if you don't mind.  I don't want to alter their cycle in any way and I am worred that they will not migrate because they don't leave when they have a food source.  Should I stop feeding them in the fall?  I want to do what's best for them.  NK

7.  What is this insect? (actual size!)


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