Buffalo Institute of Urban Ecology, Inc.

Jay Burney

1645 Statler Towers

107 Delaware Avenue

Buffalo, New York 14222

(716) 845-6993

e-mail: jburney@apollo3.com





Buffalo Institute of Urban Ecology, Inc. is a New York State registered not for profit organization with the following goals.



Promote a better understanding of urban ecology within the government, community at large, and schools.


Promote positive economic impact on our communities.


Work with underprivileged  and disadvantaged community sectors.


Foster activities to help reestablish and regenerate neighborhoods.


Collect and disseminate data and information relative to environment and ecology.

Since our founding in 1996, we have developed a number of programs and projects with a wide variety of partners in the public and private sectors.  Our focus for the next several years include environmental and labor strategies.  We publish, including "GreenWatch" in the Alternative Press (www:buffaloaltpress.com); we develop projects and manufacture products with a media and/or educational perspective and we act as consultants.


One of our primary focuses during the past two years has been on conservation planning and strategies in the Niagara Frontier, with an emphasis on the Niagara River Corridor.  We have been involved with the Niagara River Important Bird Area coalition, (hosting initial meetings and working with the diverse group to establish goals and strategies.)  In March of 1998, we authored and enabled the Buffalo Common Council to adopt legislation supporting and promoting the Niagara River Important Bird Area.  This is the only governmental legislation that currently exists recognizing and promoting the IBA.


Finally, we are developing a news and information system that will attempt to link organizations, schools, government, and the general public with environmental problems and opportunities.  We have established a laboratory for environmental journalists and students who wish to pursue environmental journalism and information sharing.


History of Buffalo Institute of Urban Ecology:


Niagara River Globally Significant Important Bird Area Coalition


"GreenWatch" published in Alt/Alternative Press


City of Buffalo Environmental Indicators Project


City of Buffalo Pesticide Management Board


Times Beach Coalition


Chair, Lasalle Park Steering Committee "Buffalo's largest waterfront park"


Every Day is Earth Day Ecology Fairs-Buffalo Public Schools


Montessori Outdoor Learning Center


Partner in the City of Buffalo Office of Green Gold


Promotion and ongoing development of the Niagara River International Gull Festival


Partner with City of Niagara Falls on Development of Environmental Education materials

We welcome new members.